Healings in Trinidad
(March 2019)
Healings in Trinidad
(March 2019)
Healed of back problem while looking at flyer
(Message, ministry and testimony – Malaysia)
The power of God`s Word – part 1 Message
(Nickerie, Suriname)
The power of God`s Word – part 2 Message & Ministry
(Nickerie, Suriname)
Testimony: 17 years ago healed of a deadly virus
Healing of prostate cancer and testimony
God`s miracle working power in Malaysia
(Part 1)
God`s miracle working power in Malaysia
(Part 2)
Interview about Biblical leadership
God is raising up well-trained soldiers
(Part 1)
God is raising up well-trained soldiers
(Part 2)
Can God use your life?
The church of Thessalonica (Seattle)
The grace of God